North Carolina.
The Institute works nationally and internationally, but also at the local and regional level. We are pleased to be working with a number of collaborators in western North Carolina to improve the housing options for people with disabilities and older adults.
Here are some western North Carolina resources that may help you find appropriate housing, remodel your house, build a new home or downsize. We will be continually adding resources here. Please let us know of any that we should list.

the SAMI program.
SAMI is a long-term North Carolina initiative to increase access to high quality home access modifications.
The Universal Design Institute conducted a series of trainings in Buncombe County in 2019 – 2020 to improve the knowledge and skills of home access modification delivery practitioners and those in related jobs. We have continued the Safe and Accessible Modifications for Independence Training (SAMI) program on a regional basis with support from AdventHealth.
Richard Duncan was the primary instructor for these events, relying on the knowledge of key experts as co-presenters: Ali Climo; Linda Giltz, Community Planner; Jason Ray, from Simply Home; Robert Krollman, from Sky Heart Consulting, and Robert Gurinowitsch, from Best Bath.

Lenoir County program.
This fall, we are pleased to be working with AARP NC to improve housing opportunities for older adults in the City of Kinston, and Lenoir County. This initiative, Housing Options for Aging in Place (HOAP), is aimed at fulfilling important components of Lenoir County’s Aging Plan — building new housing and remodeling existing homes to better accommodate our region’s growing population of older adults.
Working together with key community partners in government and the private sector, we will create a community forum on January 26, 2022 to engage city and county elected officials, agency staff, the for-profit and nonprofit housing sector, and
county residents of all ages. This 2022 event will bring awareness to the community of the importance of modifying existing housing and creating new housing for our region's older residents.
​Go here for information about adapting homes and age friendly home design.
WNC home adaptations.
The Institute works nationally and internationally, but also at the local and regional level. We are pleased to be working with a number of collaborators in western North Carolina to improve the housing options for people with disabilities and older adults.
Here are some western North Carolina resources that may help you find appropriate housing, remodel your house, build a new home or downsize. We will be continually adding resources here. Please let us know of any that we should list.
​Don't know where to begin? Have questions that these links don't answer? Checkout our solutions page for more information or drop us a note!

contact us.
Whether you have questions or need assistance, our team is here to help. Get in touch through any of the channels below. We’re eager to hear from you!
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