The RL Mace Universal Design Institute's work manifests the belief that all environments and products, to the greatest extent possible, should and can be usable by everyone regardless of age, ability, or circumstance. The Institute advances the concept of universal design in all design disciplines, including those that work on housing, public-use buildings, outdoor, and urban environments and related products.
The Institute’s principal, Richard Duncan, has had a long career in the design of accessible and universal environments. The Institute’s staff has a wealth of expertise in universal design and accessibility codes and standards with an emphasis on human function, architecture and planning. The Institute has developed technical and policy documents and a wide range of graphic and multimedia material to explain technical specifications in context of the environment. The Institute has a history of collaborative, multidisciplinary work: research, plan review, development of new plans, survey instruments, photo documentaries, product designs, state agency policies, demonstration houses, and educational programs.

Thank you so much for taking the time to consult with me last week. Having a research entity available to provide information and clarity to standards is very valuable to our communities as it affects what our businesses produce for the public. You were extremely gracious in the time and resources you provided us to enable us to better assess our situation here at Parata.
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